Evaluation of Sleep and Sleep Habits in Adolescents
Original Article
P: 9-16
March 2023

Evaluation of Sleep and Sleep Habits in Adolescents

J Turk Sleep Med 2023;10(1):9-16
1. Evaluation of Sleep and Sleep Habits in Adolescents
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Received Date: 24.02.2022
Accepted Date: 24.05.2022
Publish Date: 14.02.2023



This descriptive study was conducted to evaluate the sleep and habits of adolescents.

Materials and Methods:

The data required for the research were collected between December 25, 2021 and February 10, 2022. The study group of the research consisted of adolescents aged 12-18 years. In the collection of research data, online survey method, socio-demographic data collection form, Child Sleep Habits Questionnaire were used from 350 adolescents between the ages of 12-18 who had parental consent, participated voluntarily, and were selected by the convenience sampling method, one of the improbable sampling methods. SPSS 26.0 data analysis program was used in the statistical analysis of the data obtained in the study, and Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used in the analysis of sleep habits of children according to gender, age and educational status.


In the evaluation of sleep and sleep habits of adolescents, 56.3% were boys and 43.7% were girls. When analyzed according to education groups, 23.7% are university students, 42.9% are high school students and 33.4% are secondary school students. The difference between the averages of sleep hours “child sleep habits” rankings according to their socio-demographic characteristics (age, gender and educational status) was found to be statistically significant (p<0.05). According to the sleep time variable, the difference between the mean scores of the “bedtime resistance”, “delay in falling asleep”, “sleep time”, “sleep anxiety”, “night awakenings”, “parasomnias” and “sleep respiratory deterioration” dimensions were found to be statistically significant (p<0.05).


Socio-demographic factors and sleep habits have an important place in the evaluation of sleep and sleep habits of adolescents. To evaluate the sleep and sleep habits of adolescents, it is recommended to conduct research on the biological, psychological and social aspects of the factors affecting their sleep habits in detail.


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