Athlete Sleep Behavior Questionnaire - Turkish Version: Study of Validity and Reliability
Original Article
P: 43-48
June 2019

Athlete Sleep Behavior Questionnaire - Turkish Version: Study of Validity and Reliability

J Turk Sleep Med 2019;6(2):43-48
1. Cumhuriyet University, Health Sciences Institute, Department of Physical Education and Sports, Sivas, Turkey
2. Cumhuriyet University Medical Faculty, Department of Biostatistics, Sivas, Turkey
No information available.
No information available
Received Date: 13.12.2018
Accepted Date: 09.04.2019
Publish Date: 31.05.2019



Athlete sleep behavior questionnaire (ASBQ) is a new, valid and reliable questionnaire for evaluating the sleep behaviors of elite athletes. The main objective of the current study was to provide evidence for the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the ASBQ (ASBQ-TR).

Materials and Methods:

Ninety-seven athletes and eighty-three nonathletes were included in the current study and asked to complete the 18-item ASBQ-TR. A sub-group of athletes (n=50) completed the ASBQ-TR twice, 7 days apart. The ASBQ was translated into English twice and then back-translated to Turkish after the permission of the author was received. Test-retest reliability and internal consistency were performed via intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Cronbach’s alpha, respectively.


There was a significant difference between the athlete and non-athlete groups in ASBQ-TR total score (38.4 and 36.2 respectively, p<0.05). Test-retest reliability of the questionnaire was acceptable (ICC=0.85). The factor loadings of ASBQ-TR were between 0.41 and 0.82. One of the 18-items of the questionnaire was removed due to the factor loading (below 0.40).


The ASBQ-TR is a 17-item valid and reliable tool that can be used to identify sleep challenges that athletes face. The ASBQ-TR can be used as a practical tool for researchers and coaches evaluating the sleep behaviors of elite athletes. This tool may also be used to examine the sleep behavior differences among sports with different recovery needs and training loads.

Keywords: Reliability, validity, Turkish version, athlete, sleep behavior


Decades of research indicates that sleep is an important factor for human performance (1,2). Sleep is pointed out as a significant element contributing to the optimal athletic performance (3) and recognized as an inevitable component of recovery from athletic training and reported as the single most effective recovery strategy (4). Despite the fact that sleep has a significant role in optimizing recovery and athletic performance (4), as a recovery strategy, it is not addressed sufficiently and/or is overlooked by athletes (5,6). As the previous review notified, athletes have unique physical and psychological requirements, have to deal with strict competition and training schedules and have to comply with difficult travels (7). Hence there is an obvious need for developing valid, reliable tools in order to track and monitor athlete sleep behaviors. Furthermore, to ensure wider utilization of these tools translation and adaptation to other languages are required to be the next necessary steps.

There are three key factors that affect the whole curative outcome of the sleep state; a) length of sleep (total required sleep), b) quality of sleep, c) phase of sleep (circadian timing of sleep stage) (8). These factors also have an effect on an athlete’s training, maximizing training response, performance and recovery abilities (9). Additionally, the previous reviews reports an equation between exercise-related sleep disturbance and sleep loss by exposing the impact of disordered sleep during athletic performance through sleep deprivation motives (10,11). However, these models may only provide limited insights into sleep quality-performance relationships (12).

Considering multifactoral demands of elite sport for elite athletes, it is expected to accelerate sleep disruptions in case of high frequency, intensity and volume of training periods (13,14), travels required by national (15) and international (16) competition events, and anxiety that occurred before competition (17,18). Beside these sleep disturbing factors, elite athletes experience distinct conditions such as long naps in the afternoon which interrupts night-time sleep, sleeping various and foreign environments, stimulant use (e.g. caffeine) and over-hydration or dehydration before going to bed (19,20). Notwithstanding the foregoing acknowledgment, present surveys, questionnaires and scales concerning sleep behavior appear not to be specific enough to state given differences in an athlete’s sleep structure/patterns and habits. (21).

The athlete sleep behavior questionnaire (ASBQ) is a practical, valid and reliable questionnaire for evaluating the sleep behaviors of elite athletes. The main objective of the tool is to detect the sleep behaviors in elite athletes (21). The ASBQ was originated to differentiate specific sleep problems that elite athletes encountered. The ASBQ was a useful tool to identify areas where sleep behavior improvements could be made, rather than a clinical screening tool like athlete sleep screening questionnaire which was formerly created to identify sleep behaviours of athletes, identify athletes with abnormal sleep and primary sleep problems and elicit the frequency that athletes have trouble with sleep when traveling (7).

However, the ASBQ should be translated into different languages through a verified procedure. Moreover, it must be culturally adapted in order to provide comparison among studies conducted in different countries and groups.

The purpose of the present study was to determine the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the ASBQ (ASBQ-TR) as an instrument to evaluate the sleep behaviors of elite athletes.


One hundred eighty native Turkish-speaking participants (97 athlete/83 non-athlete, 96 male/84 female, age; 22±4 y) were included in the current study. The participants were aged between 18-35 years with 93% (n=168) of the sample unmarried (Table 1). New parents with kids (<2 years) and the individuals with sleep disorders were excluded from this study.

Table 1

A subset group of professional, native Turkish-speaking athletes (n=50, age 21±4 years, 60% males; from 12 different sports) were selected. Athletes were recruited from the various areas of Turkey, with following sport branches; basketball (n=2), football (n=11), futsal (n=2), handball (n=3), judo (n=2), kick box (n=1), muaythai (n=1), rugby (n=1), volleyball (n=2), weight lifting (n=4), wrestling (n=2), wushu (n=19).

The criteria to be included to the present study as athlete was; as an individual or team player, as either semi-professional or professional player, competing for their country at national or international level for their specific sports branch. Demographic information (such as age, gender, marital status, exercise background) were collected with a questionnaire attached to the ASBQ-TR. The non-athlete group included participants a) with no license or membership in any regional-level sport, b) with no planned exercise routines more than 2, per week. The non-athlete group included participants who can read and speak the Turkish language only. Social media channels were used to reach out to the all sample.

The Athlete Sleep Behavior Questionnaire

The ASBQ is an 18-item questionnaire consisting of 3 subscales: routine/environmental factors (6 items), behavioral factors (7 items) and sport-related factors (5 items). The ASBQ was developed to identify the maladaptive sleep challenges athletes deal with. This instrument offers a sleep behavior evaluation of elite athletes, for coaches, athletes and researchers. The ASBQ is also considered to be a practical tool for identifying the differences in sleep behaviors among different sports with diverse training loads and recovery needs. All of the 18 items were rated using a 5-point scale (1=never, 2=rarely, 3=sometimes, 4=frequently, 5=always). The global score was obtained when the scores of each item were added up. The higher the score, the weaker the sleep behaviors (21).

The ASBQ was translated into Turkish by two academic sports scientist twice and then back-translated to English by a translator who did not know the purpose of the study, after the permission of the author was received. The translated forms were compared in terms of meanings and no difference was found. The cross-cultural adaptation guideline by Beaton et al. (22) was used.


The reliability of the questionnaire was assessed via test-retest analysis using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). A subset group of the athletes (n=50, age 21±4 years, 60% males; from 12 different sports) were recruited to run test-retest reliability. Sample size requirement for intraclass correlation with power=90%; alpha=0.05, observation per subject 2 times was 50 as Bujang and Baharum (23) suggested. All participants completed the ASBQ-TR twice, 7 days apart. Tests were conducted during in-season period, on rest days.

The Cronbach’s alpha technique was also used.  Cronbach’s alpha coefficient indicates no reliability when α<0.40, low reliability between 0.40 and 0.59, quite good reliability between 0.60 and 0.79, and extremely good reliability between 0.80 and 1 (24).

Ethics Approval

The study was approved by the Cumhuriyet University Social and Human Sciences Ethics Committee (no: 04-E.14439) and carried out according to the standards of ethics. Informed consent forms were signed by participants in data collection process.

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 24.0 (SPSS, Armonk, NY: IBM Corp). The significance level was set at 0.05. Total scores of ASBQ-TR were normally distributed for the two groups and overall items as Shapiro-Wilk’s test showed (p>0.05). Levene’s test verified the homogeneity of two groups (p>0.05). Demographics and ASBQ-TR scores of the athletes and the non-athletes were compared using independent samples t-test. Construct validity of the ASBQ-TR was determined using exploratory factor analysis. For the size of the factor loading, the determination whether to select an item was based on 0.40 as suggested by Kline (25). Varimax rotation was used to identify dimensions of the questionnaire which indicated four components (1: sport-related factors, 2: sleep quality factors, 3: habitual sleep efficiency factors, 4: sleep disturbance factors). Suitability of the principal component analysis (PCA) was evaluated via Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test.

Test-retest reliability was assessed using ICC. Internal consistency of the ASBQ-TR was assessed via Cronbach’s alpha. Driller et al. (21) pointed out that the ASBQ was specifically designed to measure diverse aspects of sleep behavior, consequently, it was not considered as critical that all items are related. Therefore, the Cronbach’s α below the 0.70 does not have a negative impact on the validity or reliability of this questionnaire.


The mean age of athlete (21±4) and non- athlete (22±3) groups showed no significant difference (p=0.09). However, team-sport athletes constituted 59% of the athlete population when individual-sport athletes were 41% (Table 1). There was no significant difference between male and female participants for ASBQ-TR total scores (p>0.05). The PCA with varimax rotation outputs showed that the ASBQ-TR contained four major factors. Factor loading for 1 of 18 items was under 0.40, and this item was discarded from the questionnaire. Consequently, ASBQ-TR contained 17 items and the factor loadings ranged between 0.418 and 0.825 (Table 2).

Table 2

There was a significant difference between the athlete and non-athlete groups in ASBQ-TR total score (38.4 and 36.2 respectively, p<0.05, Figure 1). The total score for sport-related factors was significantly different between the two groups (athlete; 13.6 and non-athlete; 10.0, p<0.01, Figure 2). There was no significant difference in other factors between the two groups (p>0.05, Figure 2).

Figure 1
Figure 2

Reliability levels for ASBQ-TR was acceptable (ICC=0.85, r=74, CV=5.6). The raw difference was only 0.5±3.8 and confidence intervals (CI) was set at 95%. Cronbach’s α coefficient for internal consistency of the total score of the ASBQ-TR was 0.62. Similarly, the test-retest results of the factors (sport-related factors; ICC=0.89, α=0.89, sleep quality factors; ICC=0.78, α=0.78, habitual sleep efficiency factors; ICC=0.88, α=0.87, sleep disturbance factors; ICC=0.68, α=0.67) were acceptable.


This study was conducted to examine the reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the ASBQ in elite athletes. It was concluded that the ASBQ-TR is a practical, consistent, reliable and valid scale in identifying maladaptive sleep behaviors. The ASBQ-TR was sensitive in separating the questionnaire score of athletes from non-athletes. The results obtained from the current study were comparable with the original version of the ASBQ which was previously conducted by Driller et al. (21) The factor analysis showed that 17-item ASBQ-TR consists of four factors. Driller et al. (21) extracted three factors from the 18-item ASBQ and found that the ASBQ have high levels of test-retest reliability which was quite similar with the results obtained from the present study.

Out of 4 factors of the ASBQ-TR, sport-related factors were significantly different when athlete and non-athlete groups were compared in terms of the total score which indicated that athletes have poorer sleep behaviors. However, the sleep quality, habitual sleep efficiency, and sleep disturbance factors were similar in total scores for both groups and were not significantly different. Authors suggest that the main discriminating factor was fairly sensible due to the items specific to athlete life. As in question #3- “I exercise (train or compete) late at night” and as other four question listed in Table 2. As we expected the sleep quality, habitual sleep efficiency and sleep disturbance factors were quite similar between the groups, considering the items in these factors applied to both athlete and non-athlete groups closely. As in question #8- I use light-emitting technology in the hour leading up to bedtime (e.g laptop, phone, television, video games).

1 out of 18 items of ASBQ was removed from the questionnaire due to the factor loading of the item which was below 0.40. As a result, the Turkish version of the questionnaire consisted of 17 items. Factor loadings of the items were ranged between 0.418-0.825. In the original ASBQ, authors found factor loadings between 0.45-0.61.

The test-retest reliability of the ASBQ-TR was found to be very high. Mean difference was just 0.5 between the test total scores. With CI set at 95%, r value of 0.74, ICC 0.85 and CV 5.6% values indicated that ASBQ-TR did not vary with time and remained fixed (Table 3, Table 4). Similarly, the original ASBQ was found to have high test-retest reliability with the mean difference of 0.1 between the test total scores and authors of the previous study revealed that value of r 0.88, ICC 0.87, typical error of measurement 2.3 and CV 6.4% with CI set at 90%. The time duration between the tests was 7 days just as the authors of the ASBQ set the same duration of time which made it easier to compare the reliability of ASBQ-TR to the previous study. We used the CI level of 95% and in original ASBQ, the CI was 90%. Typically, 95% (0.05) is mostly used but using 90% (0.10) also may not affect the findings dramatically. Due to the different % use of CI, the r value used in the current study (0.74) was lower than the r value in the original study (0.88).

Table 3
Table 4

Kline (26) (1999) points out that although a value 0.7-0.8 is an acceptable value for Cronbach’s alpha, in some constructs, values below 0.7 can realistically be expected due to the constructs. Driller et al. (21) also pointed out that the ASBQ was specifically designed to measure diverse aspects of sleep behavior, consequently, it was not considered as critical that all items are related. In this study, Cronbach’s alpha was 0.62 similar to the Cronbach’s alpha value of the original ASBQ (0.63). Also, the male–female ratio (57-40) of the athlete population in the present study is thought to have no impact on the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Similarly, Driller et al. (21) had an athlete group with 87 male and 155 female participants.

The main limitation of our study was the time duration between the test-retest days. Tests were completed 7 days apart which may be considered as a short time. However, considering that the potential rapid changes may occur in long time frames in an individuals’ habits. Besides, in the questionnaire “In recent times (over the last month)” expression was used. Consequently, using a longer period of time for this questionnaire may affect the reliability of the tool.

For the 17 item ASBQ-TR, we suggest a total score of ≤34 means “good sleep behavior” and ≥40 means “poor sleep behaviour”. The thresholds were slightly different in original ASBQ (≤36, ≥42 respectively) due to the number of items. These thresholds are determined to be used as a directory in future studies (Table 5).

Table 5


The ASBQ-TR is a valid and reliable 17-item tool that can be used to identify the maladaptive sleep challenges athletes deal with. The ASBQ-TR developed as a practical tool for researchers and coaches evaluating the sleep behaviors of elite athletes. This tool may also be used to examine the sleep behavior differences among sports with different recovery needs and training loads.


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